History & Heritage Festival: Good to be back

Clear skies, a shining sun and happy dancing people were a few factors contributing to a fantastic Festival celebrating the 375th birthday of Utrecht University. Themed “History and Heritage”, past and present were fused into a vibrant atmosphere where students, alumni, family, military veterans and neighbors experienced a unique day of memory, celebration and entertainment. Before UCU was founded in 1997, the area was used for barracks since early 20th century, homing hundreds of soldiers training to defend our country. In memory of this time, a military marching band performed and there was an exhibition of the former Kromhout Kazerne. But the history of our small campus reaches even further. In the Middle Ages it housed a monastry and a field with gallows. Did you know stadium Galgenwaard is a trace of this sinister history? Currently, the new Kromhout Kazerne is constructed next to campus, where the headquarters of the Dutch Ministry of Defense will be stationed.
The festival was officially opened by the Rector Magnificus of Utrecht University and the Utrecht Oost Councillor, followed by a performance by the military marching band Fanfarekorps der Genie, the veteran band of the Engineer Corps that were once stationed on campus. Throughout the day lectures were held in the Auditorium within the theme of History and Heritage, to explore the history of Utrecht, the Waterline defense system and the story behind the architecture of campus, with subsequent tours. Events on the main stage on the Quad were an exposé of student life on campus, with a little help of some alumni. A variety of music, dance and drama performances (remember Super Sticky Surfaces in the bar?) were showcased and received with loud applause. Committees had set up stalls to feature their work fed by their passions. At the UCAA, alumni and students could grab a campus map created by Sietse Brouwer (Class of 2007) and fill in their most precious memories of their time at UCU. The makings of the Cultural Cookery in the Food Court on the opposite side of the Quad filled our noses with the most delicious smells from all over the world, and the proceeds will go to charity causes selected by HumCo. In addition to all this, children (and not only children!) were having a blast on the bouncy castle or with old-fashioned Dutch games. The fraternities and sororities had set up a lounge area behind Locke, where UCDJ was rocking and visitors could dare each other to ride the rodeo bull, shoot at Justin Bieber or paint your face yellow. All day, and while awaiting the final acts by Ska-Rockabily band TrenchcoaT and DJ Arjan van Midden, more than 70 alumni crowded together on the Quad and behind Locke for some dancing, drinking, and having one hell of a good old time. Check out the video and the photos, and let us know what you enjoyed most during the Festival!

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Photos and videos by Iris Otto (’09). Photos by Sarah Carmichael (’06).

Pim Pam Pet in Parkcafe

It was a Saturday night in the city we all spent at least three years of our life. In a cafe we have all come to know and love, on a stone’s throw from our former homes. On Saturday the 26th of March about 20 alumni from several classes crowded together in the cosy interior of Parkcafe Buiten. They sipped on Belgian beers, played Pim Pam Pet or enjoyed a good laugh while catching up. Missed out on the fun? Check our calendar for other upcoming drinks and events!

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Photos: Iris Otto (’09)

Photo call!

Dear UCU alumni, this is a call to you all!

The UCAA is looking for (a series of)

Call to UCU Alumni!
The UCAA is looking for (series of) photo’s, illustrations, videos, music, stories, or anything from your post-UCU life that you want to share. The goal is to collect a database of alumni endeavours for:
– incorporation in the alumni magazine (QuaQuaVversal), and/or:
– the QQV weblog
– an exhibition about the history of …UCU at the UCU Festival 2011
For the latter they are also looking for (“old”) photo’s of your time at UCU.
Have something interesting? Don’t hesitate to send it to: info@ucaa.nl

Article Fried Keesen in NRC.next

Our UCU Director of Education, Fried Keesen, has written an article on study entrance selection. Unfortunately for our international readers, the piece is in Dutch as it was published in the NRC.next. You can find the full-sized article here.

UCAA Newsletter February 2011

Dear alumni,

Career Day
Career Day 2011 will take place on the 12th of April with the theme “The Network Society”. Among the confirmed participants this year are Unilever, Sotheby’s and Philips, as well as journalist Francisco van Jole. This list is set to grow, so keep checking the career conference website for other companies and speakers. If you would like to attend, please sing up by filling out the contact form on the website. Additionally, we’re looking for a number of alumni to, in the bar afterwards, give 10 to 20 minute presentations about themselves and their career paths. If you would like to come and tell current UC students (as well as a couple of alumni) about what you’ve done with your UC degree we would love to hear from you. Please e-mail info@ucaa.nl for more information.

UU Day & Utrecht drink
On the 26th of March Utrecht University is holding its annual UU day, which is open to all its alumni (which includes those from UCU). Coinciding with the university’s 375 year lustrum, this year’s theme will be Dualism between Body and Soul and will feature a full day of lectures and workshops by experts in their field, including one by the UCAA’s very own Somaye Dehban. More information about the event can be found here (information only available in Dutch, unfortunately). The day will be followed by a Utrecht drink at Café De Winter (Willem de Zwijgerstraat 31), starting at 20h. First round of drinks will be on the UCAA!

UCU Festival
The annual UCU festival, showcasing UC life and its students’ activities, is happening on the 9th of April. Joining in the celebration of the UU’s milestone 375th year, the festival’s theme will be History and Heritage. Alumni are actively encouraged to attend the lectures, performances and other events planned during the day, so be sure to drop by campus and join the festivities.

UU Relay Marathon
On Easter Monday (April 25th) the UU is organizing a big charity relay race marathon for students, employees and alumni. In sponsored teams of two, four or six, every runner completes a part of the course. More information can be found here (again, only available in Dutch). If you’re interested in running in a team of UC alumni get in touch with the UCAA at info@ucaa.nl to arrange it.

Requesting documents from College Hall
UCU has instituted a new and easier way for alumni to request documents (like transcripts) from College Hall. Instead of having to visit the reception desk, you can now also request them online. Add https://fd8.formdesk.com/universiteitutrecht/UCU_document_request to your bookmarks and follow the steps from there to have any documents you might need sent directly to you.

Other ways the UCAA wants to keep you informed
In addition to our newsletters, the UCAA is also making an effort to keep you informed of our goings on through social media and our own website. Join our pages on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn and if you haven’t been to our website in a while, take some time to explore ucaa.nl, like our new ‘Opportunities’ page.

Lastly, a sincere thank you to everyone who took the time to fill out the last newsletter’s QQV survey. Your comments are much appreciated, with some already being incorporated into this year’s issue.

Sincerely yours,

The UCAA Board